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Judging By Workspace

Thursday, August 5, 2010 by Slaughter Development

Is your office messy, sterile or filled with distractions?  If so, a slight renovation could do you some good. Turns out, the state of your workspace can not only affect your own productivity, but your ability to gain trust, respect and confidence from surrounding co-workers and employees. 

When it comes to lasting impressions, it’s not surprising that piles of disorganized papers can deter people from wanting to work with you. However, who would have guessed that a picture on your desk, a dying plant on your file cabinet or even a bobble head next to your phone could raise questions about the way you work?

But according to a recent article, these types of subtleties are exactly the things that can mislead stakeholders into believing you are bored, unproductive, not serious, introverted, overly demanding or even untrustworthy. According to Lisa Marie Luccioni, professor of communication at the University of Cincinnati, “everything in your office sends a message, whether you want it to or not.”

The observation Slaughter Development is compelled to make however, doesn’t just involve the state of an individual’s workspace. Instead, we choose to examine the overall state of an individual’s work environment. After all, a messy desk may just be the first sign of a bigger problem. If an employee is forced to work with an inefficient process that allows no room for improvement or creativity, side effects like disorganization, boredom or indulged distraction can take over. In the end, even day-dreaming could be product of a powerless employee.

By empowering employees to create new systems and encouraging them to take pride in their own productivity, a proper, manageable workspace will easily result. Open the doors to your stakeholders and give them the freedom to create a better, more conducive workflow. Contact Slaughter Development today to learn more about how we  can help rearrange the way work is judged.

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